BUFFALO WLI-USB-KB11 Wireless LAN Adapter 3.0.4
BUFFALO WLI-USB-KB11 Wireless LAN Adapter : Buffalo’s 802.11b Wireless USB “Keychain” Adapter is a sleek and convenient way to add Wireless Networking through any available USB port on your PC.
Last update
16 Jul. 2004
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#6194 in
Melco Inc.
BUFFALO WLI-USB-KB11 Wireless LAN Adapter Publisher's Description
BUFFALO WLI-USB-KB11 Wireless LAN Adapter : Buffalo’s 802.11b Wireless USB “Keychain” Adapter is a sleek and convenient way to add Wireless Networking through any available USB port on your PC.Its small size and stylish design,make the USB Keychain adapter the ultimate portable wireless client solution.For Desktop users,the USB Adapter allows easy connectivity,without the need to open the computer case and install a PCI card. For mobile users,it offers a quick and portable way to connect without taking up a PC card slot.Also great for IT professionals who need quick wireless access on multiple platforms.In addition to all these great features,Buffalo also includes a USB Extension Cable for versatile connections.
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